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San Diego Short-Term Rental Alliance Advocacy Fund


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The San Diego Short-Term Rental Alliance has been in communication with the City regarding several issues surrounding the STRO process, specifically issues with the application process for TOT and STR licenses. Keep reading for direct responses from the City.

Update on the TOT license process:

“The TOT solution was implemented last night so those hosts should not have a problem with the application now. 

“if the host has a TOT certificate that was issued to them for multiple properties, they are good to go to continue the application. Hosts can confirm with the TOT administration if this is how their TOT certificate was created at (619)-615-1530 or by emailing sdtot@sandiego.gov. Generally speaking, the TOT administration issues one TOT certificate per dwelling unit address but they have in past issued one TOT certificate for multiple properties on the same parcel of land.”

“For those hosts that have new TOT certificates, if they were paying TOT through a hosting platform (Airbnb, Vrbo, etc.), they can still show proof of TOT payments and get credit even if they did not have a TOT certificate in the past. Only the current owner/host would be able to obtain this proof.”

License application process update:

“Additionally, there was an issue with the license issue date on the Tier 1 & Tier 2 licenses where the issue date was the day the host applied. This has also been corrected to reflect the STRO ordinance implementation date of 5/1/2023 and be valid through 4/30/2025. We will be resending the revised licenses this weekend. If you have any hosts that still have a license with incorrect dates, please let me know and we can resend individual ones.”

Helpful Resources:

Check out SDSTRA’s STRO Permit page for more information and helpful resources.

For more information, visit the City’s STRO webpage or contact the City STRO Department at stro@sandiego.gov or call 619-615-6120.