
Donate to

San Diego Short-Term Rental Alliance Advocacy Fund


For larger donations, please consider mailing a check to offset the credit card use fee to 3639 Midway Drive, Ste B370, San Diego, CA 92110-5254

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Dear Friend,

The New Year has barely begun, and legislators in California are already trying to resurrect the Vacation Rental Killing Bill Prop 584, a detrimental bill that would not only hurt short-term rentals and local businesses but ultimately kill vacations by driving up expenses.

Prop 584 is proposed to be brought back to the Legislature (still pending), and we need all hands on deck to stop this bill from advancing. If passed, it would levy an additional 15% tax on ALL California short-term rentals. We need to stop this bill, but we need your help! A donation to our advocacy fund will go toward stopping this damaging bill and help preserve all the benefits short-term rentals provide to visitors, small businesses, and residents of California.

In the coming weeks, we’ll be sure to provide details on how you can speak up against Prop 584, as well as updates on our continuing efforts with other state groups. As we prepare to fight this bill, now is the time to invite your network to join SDSTRA and donate to our advocacy fund. Your contribution will directly support advocacy efforts.

Can we count on you to donate $50 to stop Prop 584?